Top Supervek Products from 2021

Top Supervek Products from 2021

If this is your first time shopping with Supervek and you're wondering what to buy, look no further for we bring to you a list of our most loved products of 2021. 


2021 has been a rather crazy year for us all. Through it's ups and downs, we were busy trying to figure out how to bring you products that gave you the best of convenience and style. If this is your first time shopping with Supervek, look no further, here is the list of the most loved Supervek products. 

"Premium Quality slinger. Goes with any fit and very useful for carrying items like sanitizer, wallet, spray etc. The product is bit pricy but you won't regret buying for sure".

"A perfect style element for your wardrobe! Best quality & most importantly the cloth is separated for both sides, which means the product has great practicality & quality, simply go for it."

"It’s super street style. The color and the flat trucker is just the way I wanted and how it looked on the website. And is totally a catch. I have also paired it with the masks here. Been with supervek since long and like the quality they deliver."

"The superb quality of materials supervek’s products justifies their prices. In addition to getting value for your money, supervek is always kind enough to send over some free goodies along with your product."

"It looks and feel like a paper wallet with a cool design printed on but its not. Its super durable and waterproof,has a lot of space for cash and cards and dave faint's artwork is cherry on the cake."