Artist collaboraton

Download the template
Use this section to download the SuperWallet template withinstructions. These should get you rolling so you can make some awesome designs – simple as that!

Submit Your Design
Once you are done designing your template mail it to our art team for review. Submitted designs are all reviewed by our art team. If our art team chooses your design we will proceed to make YOUR limited edition SuperWallet.
Email your design

Get in!
If our team selects your design for production your design will feature on our merchandise and will be available for sale to the whole world. You will be the new celebrity in the Supervek world and will get featured in our various social media blogs! We also share your excitement on releasing a SuperWallet with your design! That is why we send you 5 free wallets which you can share with your friends and family. We have a profit sharing program where you will receive periodic income from each SuperWallet your design sold.